Thursday, May 15, 2008

Crazy words of the day!

fo shizzle

Monday, May 12, 2008

Letter to Sally Kern (first draft)

Dear representative Sally Kern
My name is Danilo Goldfarb. I live in San Diego. I go to High Tech Middle Media Arts. This is a charter school designed to teach students in new ways that involves creativity, art, environmental science and much more. I respect how you have devoted your life to being a state representative and trying to better the United States. I am writing to you concerning your views on Homosexuality expressed in your speech to your colleagues.
There are a few things that bother me about that speech. This letter will cover most of the issues. The two main issues are how your speech may affect the number of hate crimes in the world and the factuality of some of the things you said.
You said that this speech puts you in jeopardy but is free speech. It makes my heart drop when you say it puts you in jeopardy because it puts homosexuals in jeopardy much more than you. Many people have been murdered recently for being gay. Saying things like this promotes this type of violence even though you did not make any comment suggesting that you support this. But this does give them a reason to think what they did was right. 10 years ago Mathew Shepard a young teen was beaten until he died for being gay. For recently Lawrence King an 8th grader was shot down by one of his fellow students. I do not blame the kid who killed him but both his parents and people who say things like what you said. But its not only the hate in this speech that made me feel so terrible is also the ignorance that is going around that this speech is a great example of. I am in a GSA (a gay straight alliance), have a lesbian mom, have had gay teachers and gay friends and I am still straight. Also the comment about suicide was one of the most offensive parts because they feel so tormented by things people say and things people do. This discrimination causes them to resort to suicide. You also said that no civilizations that fully have fully embraced homosexuality have not survived more than a few decades; this is not a true fact. Greece did fully embrace gays. They lasted much more than a few decades. It is true that if everyone was gay our population would decrease but the amount of gay people will not increase because on person is gay. The amount of gay people who are gay stays about the same. Studies prove that gayness is not contagious and is not passed down thru families. When you say gays are invading that is saying they don’t have rights to have jobs. You also say that they are telling children that being gay is an acceptable life style and that its not. If you think your speech was free speech then there speech is free speech too. Also if a lot of your opinions are based on your religion then are you truly following separation of church and state? In my opinion everything about this speech was very offensive. I would be very happy if you could apologize and re-think some of you opinions. Thank you for reading.

Sincerely Danilo Goldfarb

Thursday, May 1, 2008

ART i made!!!!!!!

Wind Turbine Roator Experiment

Wind Turbine Rotor Experiment
Nilo Goldfarb

This past week in class we have been doing an experiment to see what type of rotor (blades) work the best. We used pre-built windmill base, tower, turbine etc. but we needed to figure out what rotor produced the most energy. We tested the material, the angle, the shape and the number of blades. In the next few paragraphs you will learn about our results, procedures and thoughts on why things happened, how things happened and what things happened. So read on and find out about our amazing quest to find the perfect rotor for our windmill.

Problems in keeping accurate
In this project it was hard to be 100% accurate in finding out which rotors worked best for a variety of reasons. This paragraph will tell you the main ones. One of the problems we faced was keeping the wind turbine an equal distance from the fan throughout our experiments. But the biggest problem that every group faced was humanness. We are all human and when we put blades into a windmill each time of course they will not all be put in exactly the same way as the last time so the results will vary. I would say overall our results were probably about 70% accurate in figuring out which rotors worked best. Even though they are not exactly accurate they will later be compared with other groups results to be made more accurate.

These are the types of variables in wind turbine blades and why I think different ones worked better than others:

Square blade: 0.12 did not work well probably because its shape could not catch the air to move fast.

Rounded blade 0.15 v did mediocre because it did not have the best shape for catching air but its shape was ok and went medium fast but was definitely not the best.

Notched blade 0.18v the best shape for catching wind but must be improved by varying shape, size, material and angle.

0 degrees 0.21 this one did well because it caught wind and mad the blades spin pretty fast.

45 degrees 0.13-0.18 this one did ok but had a little bit to much of an angle but still did ok

90 degrees 0.4 did terrible had far too much angle.

Material of blades:
Wood blades 0.46 did very well. The material was easy for the wind to move.

Styrofoam blades 0.38 also did very well. The material was easy for the wind to move.

Linoleum blades 0.71 were perfect completely. The material was super easy for the wind to move.

Plastic blades 0.38 did well just like wood or styrofoam but does not come close to linoleum.

Number of blades:
6 blades 0.16 ok.

3 blades 0.20 good nice speed

2 blades 0.16 ok

Length of blades:
Long blades 0.18 bad speed

Short blades 0.40 great speed one of the perfect sizes

Medium blades 0.40 great speed the other perfect size

In conclusion I have learned that when we build the perfect mini windmill Rotor it will be made of linoleum, it will have medium-sized blades, it will be notched in shape, it will have three blades and have 0 degrees in angle. Now I know what my windmill will be like.

Dance with Bush

My music choice for Today

Monday, April 28, 2008


Have you ever felt like a freak I know I have many times. The most recent time was today when
I choked on a piece of food and it came out through my nose (more food was still stuck and I could not breath for a second). People thought it was gross and laughed at me and left. It hurt both physically(choking is not fun) and emotionally(it is not fun to be made fun of). Maybe they didn't know but I think they did and it was embarrassing.